Postville schools to open August 24 with many precautions in place

With the school year set to begin Monday, August 24, all students are to report to school for on-sight learning. Fall sports practices have begun with regularly scheduled games/meets also set to begin before the end of August.
As COVID-19 continues to be an issue, the district is in constant communication with state and local health officials as they make decisions about the well being of all students and staff. The district is in communication with the Allamakee County Public Health Officials, Cheryl Darling-Mooney and Lisa Moose as decisions are made.
All students and staff will receive a temperature/health check at the beginning of each school day. Face coverings will be required when social distancing is not possible.
All students and staff will be required to wear masks or face shields when entering and leaving the school until they are able to be in a space that allows for distancing. They will not be required to wear the masks in their seats in the classroom. Masks are required during passing time in the hall and when moving around in the classrooms. The school will provide all students with a reusable face mask.
Students are also required to wear a face mask while entering and exiting the school bus. Students will have assigned seats on the bus and buses will be cleaned before and after each route.
Lunch and recess schedules will be modified to abide by social distancing as much as possible. Proper hand washing will be enforced before and after lunch and recess.
Technology will be an integral part of the educational process during these unusual times. Superintendent of schools, Tim Dugger explained, “We are preparing for 1:1 technology for all students and staff. Students in grades K-6 will be issued a new iPad while 7-12 grade students will be issued a laptop computer.”
Beginning with opening day, August 24 and continuing through October 2, school will be in session Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Wednesdays will be reserved for remote learning. On Wednesdays when school is not in session, the buildings will be thoroughly cleaned while the students learn off-site.
If at all possible, it is the intention of the district to return to five day on-site learning beginning October 4. There will not, however, be school on Labor Day as the school is closed for the holiday. There will be no school on Monday, September 7 but will be open Wednesday, September 9.
The Postville Herald
The Postville Herald
335 N. Lawler
Postville, IA 52162
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