Postville Quilters for Veterans present five Quilts of Valor during Memorial Day service

The Postville Quilters for Veterans, who have made nearly 300 Quilts of Valor, presented five quilts to area veterans at the annual Memorial Day program May 27. Receiving quilts (left to right) were Jeff Olson, Kevin Loomis, Julie Schnuelle, Arvin Koopman and Charles Levendusky. Members of the Quilters for Veterans, who presented the quilts, are Sandy Koenig, Barb Duwe-Peterson, Cindy Berns, Jane Blumhagen, Linda Hughes, Rita Anderson, Mary Althouse and Betty Foels.
The Postville Quilters for Veterans, who have been piecing patriotic quilts for deserving veterans since 2016, presented five quilts to area veterans during the Memorial Day program May 27. The women, who have designed, pieced and quilted 290 quilts to date, have given their labors of love as part of both public and private ceremonies.
This year’s quilts were presented to the following veterans:
Jeff “Ole” Olson
Jeff was an E5 serving from 1976-1981 and was deployed with the Navy to Vietnam. He served as an electrician on F14 jets.
Jeff’s quilt was pieced by Cindy Berns and quilted by Sandy Koenig.
Kevin Loomis
Kevin was a specialist E4 Promotable in the Army from 1985-1991 during Operation Desert Storm. He was a 52C10, working with refrigeration and air conditioning generators. His first duty station was Ramstein, Germany in the air defense. He served in South Korea in the second infantry division and then Amon, Jordan. He received an Army Service Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, National Defense Service Ribbon and a Sharpshooter M16 rifle award.
Kevin’ quilt was pieced by Jane Blumhagen and quilted by Sandy Koenig.
Julie Schnuelle
Julie was a security specialist in the Air Force from 1986-1990 earning the rank of Sargeant. She served in South Dakota and Turkey on non-combat deployment. She earned the Air Force Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Humanitarian Service Award, Overseas Service Ribbon, Outstanding Unit Award, Commendation Medal and Small Expert Marksman Ribbon,
Julie’s quilt was pieced by Linda Hughes and quilted by Sandy Koenig.
Arvin G. Koopman
Arvin was an MME5 Machines Mate in the Navy from 1958-1961. His duty was to make everything in the engine room work. He did basic training in San Diego, attended mechanical school in Waukegan, Illinois. He served aboard the USS Durant 389 in Hawaii and the USD Capricornus AKA57.
Arvin’s quilt was pieced by Rita Anderson and quilted by Sandy Koenig.
Charles Levendusky
Charles was a Technical Sergeant serving in the Air Force from 1981-2001. He served in Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Desert Calm, Ecuador, Bolivia, Bosnia and Italy as a Microwave and Satellite Communication technician. He earned several medals including a joint Service Commendation Medal, Air Force Achievement Medal, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with Valor, NATO Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia) and the Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait) as well as many other outstanding achievement awards.
Charles’s quilt was pieced by Mary Althouse and quilted by Sandy Koenig.
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