Postville District Leadership Team creates Return-to-Learn Plan

(Editor’s Note: Much of the information in this article is gleaned from the Postville Community School District’s Return-to-Learn Plan. It is, however, far from the complete plan as I have taken the liberty to highlight the information which is most pertinent to the general public. Anyone wishing to read the entire plan, should contact the office of the Superintendent at Postville Community Schools. The final plan was to be accepted by the Board of Education at its meeting July 13.)
The District Leadership Team (DLT) has been working diligently for the past five weeks to create the Postville Community School District’s Return-to-Learn Plan. They have had three large group meetings with several sub-committee gatherings over the past five weeks. Members of the DLT are Superintentdent Tim Dugger, Principals Jennifer Schutte and Brendan Knudtson, along with staff members Joy Minikwu, Mary Guese, Lindsay Salinas, Sara Kellogg, Danielle Rose, Jennifer Harman, RJ Olsen, Anne Friederich, Katie Livingood, Manon Bushman, Denise Mauss, Glen Lansing, Brennan Williams, and Melissa Fettkether.
The DLT will continue to revise/update the plan during the next 12 months, which will hopefully end when a vaccine for COVID-19 is produced.
Supt. Dugger noted, “We are going to rely heavily on state and local health officials as we navigate the degree of community spread. At the moment, there are 16 active cases of COVID-19 in Allamakee County which is relatively low.”
The committee made it clear that the best learning model is face-to-face in the classrooms. However, with the pandemic being a moving target, specifics will, more than likely, change and plans will have to be adjusted as the number of cases changes.
Some of the highlights from the plan are printed below, but as mentioned above, they are subject to change as the need arises.
Return-to-Learn goals as outlined in the plan are:
Ensuring that off-site learning options are available for all students.
Planning to help students accelerate their learning to meet grade-level expectations.
Integrating public health strategies into Iowa’s schools.
Enabling schools to move between on-site and off-site learning as needed.
Helping the Iowa Department of Education and our partners at Iowa’s Area Education Agencies (AEAs) understand how best to support schools.
The district will work especially close with the Allamakee County Public Health Officials in the decision-making process.
The Return-to-Learn plan is based on the following public health assumptions (subject to change):
- Limiting face-to-face contact by providing social distancing of six feet
- Masks (face coverings) strongly recommended
- Symptom screening expectations
- Hand-washing and hygiene protocols
- Group gathering size limitations
- Short-term school closures may be required by confirmed cases of COVID-19
- Additional cleaning protocols will be in place and required
The plan states specifically that the District (PCSD) will provide information to the public about any protocol changes. Along with English, the information will be provided in Spanish and Somali to those who have a first language other than English. Questions and concerns will be addressed on the District’s COVID webpage. Questions and concerns may be sent to Mr. Dugger via email at Those sending emails should place COVID in the subject line.
As students return to school in the fall, District Building Leadership Teams will work to ensure all students and staff have access to a working device such as an iPad or laptop while ensuring they also have reliable internet access to complete work remotely when necessary. Staff will also be provided with professional development training related to online learning, trouble-shooting and other strategies.
Another issue addressed in the Return-to-Learn Plan is student health and wellness. The school nurse will support identified students and staff with chronic health conditions placing them at risk.
Students will be supported and educated in personal hygiene including frequent hand washing, coughing/sneezing etiquette and keeping their hands away from the face. The school nurse will review and address data related to health office visits concerning when students return to class, those who were sent home, students who require emergency services related to student health needs.
The nurse’s office will have one space for healthy students coming for routine needs such as medication, diabetic checks, asthma management, first aid, injuries and other minor issues.
There will be a separate space for students/staff who are ill or need to be evaluated for possible infection. In this space ventilation would be appropriate, foot traffic and social distancing managed.
The custodial staff will have the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and appropriate cleaning supplies needed for ongoing environmental surface cleaning. Cleaning products will not be used near children and there should be adequate ventilation when using the products to prevent inhalation of fumes. Routine cleaning will be of utmost importance.
During the 2020-21 school year, no outside agency will be allowed to use the school building. All visitors to the buildings will be encouraged to use PPE and the PPE will be available where needed.
Transportation plans will be developed in accordance with Iowa Department of Public Health and Safety requirements. The use of PPE and family groupings can allow for safe transportation of students. Buses will be cleaned before routes and prior to and after transport.
Upon arrival, all students and staff will have their temperature taken. Individuals who have a temperature above 100.4 will be taken to mitigation spaces where protocols will be implemented with the student and their parent/guardian.
In the event of quarantine or temporary shutdown due to COVID-19, educational opportunities will be provided in a digital environment. Students will take technology devices home and will be able to connect with teachers and course work through the use of specified Learning Management Systems. All learning opportunities will be required for students and grades will be given for all work completed. Attendance will be documented weekly.
All staff will be required to report to school, unless there is a safety or health concern.
A Hybrid Learning Model might be used if group size and social distancing requirements restrict the number of students and staff than can safely be in the building. This plan includes both face-to-face learning and off-site learning for all students evenly.
The on-site learning model is the most traditional approach to an educational schedule and calendar. Students will be enrolled and participate in a traditional class schedule. Health and safety guidelines will be followed. There will be staggered access to common areas, hallways, lunchroom, gym, study halls. Facial coverings will be strongly recommended for all.
The Postville Community School District is committed to providing accessible learning and services in order to meet the diverse needs of all students. Specialists in the areas of Special Education, English Learners (EL) and Talented and Gifted (TAG) will work collaboratively with content teachers to use set protocols to identify students who may be at-risk in participating successfully in learning opportunities. Collaboration with At-Risk teachers, Special Education teachers, English Learner (EL) teachers, Talented and Gifted (TAG) teachers, and parents will be essential in providing appropriate educational opportunities and services for all students in off-site and on-site learning environments. They will work together to provide appropriate accommodations and modifications to make educational opportunities accessible for all students, as well as additional Social Emotional and Behavioral Health supports.
The Postville Herald
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